• The economy of the Netherlands witnessed moderate growth in 2019, post gains of 2.6% in 2018. A key driver for this growth is the growth of exports, which accounts for around two-thirds of GDP. Fixed investment, i.e. investment into the accumulation of new fixed capital was also an essential driver of economic growth in 2019, leading to increased investment revenue and boosting GDP. The strength of the labour market positively supported consumption, with real value private final consumption growing steadily, after gains of 2.3% in 2018.
  • The Manufacturing sector, which is dominated by industries such as engineering, vehicle manufacture, electrical and electronic products, chemicals, aerospace and petrochemicals, accounted for 13.0% of the GDP and employed 11.2% of the workforce in 2018.
  • Despite the Netherlands being one of the biggest markets for exports in horticulture, in 2018, the agricultural sector employed only 2.3% of the workforce. Yet, farms in the Netherlands are larger than in most Western European countries. Farms are efficient, and farmers benefit from the low-lying and well-irrigated character of the landscape.